Our team's professionalism is underpinned by our quality approach.

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Our team stands out for its customer-oriented organisation.

As a company that counts less than 50 employees, we have dared to combine the agility shown by start-ups with the structuring of large groups.

Structuring is the keystone of Aviatec Global Aviation: selling chemicals and fasteners to aeronautic professionals, while respecting the requirements inherent to this sector, is not something that can be improvised.

Our professionalism is sustained by our quality approach. This daily commitment is how we guarantee OTD, OSD et OQD (On Time Delivery, On Safety Delivery et On Quality Delivery).

Agility is our team's trademark. We can quickly observe the results of our actions and therefore do not hesitate to innovate and experiment. Our teams assist each other on a daily basis. This cross-departmental collaboration improves communications and enhances our efficiency.

At Aviatec Global Aviation, we all share the same collective project and we are proud to be moving in the same direction.

We are not so big on meetings so we try to keep them as short and efficient as possible:

  • Weekly meeting of the management team
  • A 15-minute weekly meeting, held in stand-up mode, for the whole staff.
  • Weekly production update

Get to know us in pictures...

We took advantage of a team-building day to hold a photo shoot dedicated to the 2020 calendar. Have a look at the slideshow to learn about us in a different way...

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Our values…

Excellency, Responsiveness, Responsibility, Transparency, and Sincerity drive everything we do.

Excellency: Our standard is excellence. It reflects the level of service we wish to provide our customers. It allows Aviatec Global Aviation to increase its market share every year. Through excellence, we earn our customers' trust.

Responsiveness: Responsiveness represents a value and a commitment. It defines the way we operate and allows us to react very quickly to the needs of professionals in the aeronautic sector. We know how to process an order and deliver a product in the shortest amount of time possible. Our responsiveness maximises our customers' efficiency.

Responsibility: Aviatec Global Aviation is a responsible company. We market, handle, and distribute hazardous products that are intended for a particularly sensitive sector. We comply with REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and restriction of Chemicals) and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures) regulations. As a central purchasing office, we represent the regulatory link between our suppliers and our customers.

Transparency: We are known for our very straightforward communication with our customers and all parties involved. We are aware that the products we supply are needed on the production line and that any flaw in our service will impact the performance of our customers.

Sincerity: The condition for authentic expression is sincerity. Being sincere means getting straight to the point, sometimes naively, but always with the collective purpose in mind. Sincerity is reflected in the suggestions for improvement made by our staff to move our quality approach forward and improve the way our company operates. Sincerity saves us precious time in our relationship with others. We are especially committed to this value.

High added value services

Central purchasing office

We ensure that the necessary chemicals and fasteners remain available to aeronautic professionals.


Risk prevention

REACH, Transportation methods, Installation Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE) / Storage, Technical data sheets and SDS, Packaging... We have mastered the regulations that pertain to chemical products.



Well aware of the environmental impact of the products we distribute, we ensure strict quality control at every stage, in compliance with all legal requirements.


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+33 (0)1 34 46 45 24

19, rue Georges Méliès
Bâtiment K

95240 Cormeilles-en-Parisis